The Music & Life of Scott Joplin
Wednesday, July 1311:00 AM—12:00 PMOnlineGoodnow Library21 Concord Rd, Sudbury, MA, 01776
Join us on for a VIRTUAL presentation on The Music & Life of Scott Joplin on Wednesday, July 13, at 11AM via Zoom.
Ragtime was a sensation that overtook the United States at the turn of the 20th century and Scott Joplin was the man responsible for bringing it into the forefront. A classically trained musician, Joplin's lifelong goal was to see ragtime accepted as a serious artform. However his life was tragically cut short and Joplin never saw many of his dreams fulfilled. Learn about what made ragtime so special as we delve into the details of his life and enjoy select pieces by the king of ragtime writers. Dan Lupo, creator of, a music education platform with over 2 million views and 20k+ subscribers, will present an incredible music education program chronicling the life and achievement of one of music history's greatest composers. Dan's program will consist of a spoken lecture as well as live piano performances.
Register HERE. Registrants will receive a link to access the Zoom meeting via email.
Presented in collaboration with Tewksbury Public Library.
Registration required via Zoom link.